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Short Sale

What is a Short-Sale?

A Short Sale, also known as a Short Payoff or Pre-Foreclosure Workout, is a program that allows a borrower to sell their house even if their current mortgage balance is worth more than the current house value. These sales are subject to lender approval and once approved, the lender will allow borrowers to sell their property for less than the total amount due on their mortgage. Therefore, the lender releases the borrower from the mortgage, preventing foreclosure.

How Can a Short-Sale Benefit a Homeowner?

A Short Sale can be one of the best options for many homeowners facing foreclosure. A Short Sale allows the homeowner to sell the property and remove the secured debt associated with the home. The seller can walk away from the sale with significantly less damage to his/her credit and save them from embarrassment of having their home go into foreclosure.

Please click on the highlighted link for more information about the consequences of a Foreclosure VS. Short Sale

How Do I Qualify for a Short Sale?

In order to be eligible for a short sale, a homeowner must be able to prove to the lender that they are a victim to “hardship” and are unable to continue making payments on their mortgage.

A hardship situation is one that is the result of some extenuating circumstance that forced the borrower into a position where they can no longer afford their mortgage payments. While every situation is unique, some common examples of hardship include:

  • Unemployment or loss of primary income source
  • Inability to work due to health crisis
  • Mounting medical expenses
  • Employment relocation
  • Failure of business
  • Bankruptcy
  • Death of spouse or significant other
  • Divorce or separation

How Much will a Short Sale Cost?

Absolutely nothing, there are no up-front fees or costs associated with the Short Sale. Fees are rarely paid by the homeowner, and are only compensated if a short sale is successfully negotiated. The lender usually pays for all fees including closing costs, escrow fees and realtor commissions.

How Long does a Short Sale Take?

Every short sale situation is unique and follows its own timeline. Typically a short sale is completed within one to four months from the time we have a complete short sale package ready to present to the lender.

How Do I get Started?

Please contact Medina Realty’s Short Sale Specialists, Rashid Omar or Berhe Abraha, to help you receive proper instructions.

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Medina Realtors Team
Medina Realtors Team